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What are the Benefits of Receiving a K12 Education?

There is undeniably a challenge that teachers are facing as more young students drop out of high school without graduating. As parents, educators, employers or even students, it is very important to understand what an education can do for an individual. Keep reading to learn more abut the benefits of K12 education.

Learn How To Socialize

School is a major agent of socialization. Young children are first introduced to the socialization process by their close family and quickly move to a broader circle thanks to school. The educators function as role models and as authority figures while other students become peers. Without the positive influence of the educational institution, an individual would encounter difficulties along their socialization process. Someone who does not go through a successful socialization process might have a hard time fitting in at work and in society later in life. High school is a very important part of this process as students get older and start forming social cliques. Missing out in this process increases the risks of falling through the cracks of society.

Teaches Respect

School teaches students to recognize authority figures. A student who respects their teacher and other educators at school will easily adapt in the workplace and in other aspects of adult life. A young person who does not have this type of structure in their lives is more likely to be disrespectful of the law or unable to follow guidelines at work. These basic skills are absolutely necessary in order to become successful as a working adult or even to form a healthy household.

Master Basic Skills

Basic skills such as reading or writing are some of the main benefits of K12 education. Students who drop out of high school often do not fully master these skills. Educators are facing a real challenge with getting their students up to a decent level in these areas. Reading and writing are skills that are much harder to acquire as an adult. Not being able to read and write makes simple things we do every day a lot harder than they should be. Adults who do not master these skills usually have to go through the process of learning how to read and write before they can find a good job.

Acquiring basic math skills is another benefit of getting a good education. These basic skills are not always fully mastered by students who choose to drop out and can keep them from managing a budget for their household later in life. Someone with an high school education should be able to balance their budget, look for the best prices when shopping, figure out what the best paying job is or fill out their taxes properly. These things can seem very simple to someone who has a good grasp over these skills but things become much more complicated for students who did not receive a solid education in this area.

Acquire General Knowledge

General knowledge is another priceless one can get from an education. The knowledge of history, geography, science or literature can greatly enrich one’s life. There is no material way to measure the value of this type of knowledge but someone who learns these things will probably feel more fulfilled and want to keep learning new things throughout their entire life. Someone who does not acquire this desire for learning and general knowledge will probably never discover the richness of other lifestyles and cultures.

Supportive Environment

A school offers a lot more than knowledge. For instance, some schools give students the possibility to see counselors. Talking to a caring adult who can offer practical solutions can greatly help a young students make the right decision. A career counselor can for instance help a student find the ideal career and take all the steps toward getting their dream job. Someone who drops out of school will probably end up taking the first job they can find and might not find fulfillment in their career. Getting a K12 education opens new doors, including the possibility to go to college. Getting a college degree significantly increases one’s chance of finding a higher paying job. Students will get the opportunity to build a network, acquire more skills and find a career they really love. Not completing high school means not getting access to all these great opportunities.

Diploma Provides Options

Obtaining a high school diploma will make a real difference on the job market. An employer will be more likely to hire someone who completed high school regardless of the job one goes after. Employers usually assume that someone who completed high school has some basic skills necessary for the job, can communicate, get along with others and do what they are supposed to. A candidate who cannot say they completed high school will have less chances of getting a good job because employers will assume there is a negative reason behind them dropping out of school, such as not being able to commit to anything, socialize with others or show respect toward authority figures.

It is never too late to get a K12 education. There are many programs designed to help adults or students who dropped out graduate from high school. Getting an equivalency diploma can help one get a better job or even go to college. There are plenty of programs that offer nigh classes for adult education and a student can actually graduate in six months. The schedules are designed to allow adults who have jobs attend classes. Taking online classes is another good option for someone who needs a more flexible schedule or cannot drive to an adult education center.

In the end, there are many benefits of K12 education, including basic skills such as being able to read, write, count, communicate and interact with others. Getting a high school education can help one find a good job, adapt in the workplace, become a stable adult and raise a family. As a parent or educator, it is your role to do your best to help young students understand the importance of what they do in school.

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